Monday, February 25, 2008


In Ukraine the primary spoken language is Russian. The Russian word (phonetically spelled out here) “Kristova” means “belonging to” or “of” Christ. I choose this as my screen name because I truly desire to be of Christ.

Yesterday as I reflected on my day I realized something that is big in holding me back from being totally dependent.
I find one thing that holds me back is when I get really busy. Here’s why. As I walk through life there are tons of things to be done. You know how busy life can get. The problem comes in when I forget, or make the decision not to think about what God wants for me in each situation. I don’t feel as bad about the times when I forget as when I choose not to think about it. It’s funny but for some reason I seem to think that I don’t have time to think about what God wants when there is a lot to do. When in reality God’s will should be the thing to ease the stress of being so busy. King Saul had this problem. He became impatient waiting for Gods will to be done, and chose to do things on his own. It was for that reason that God became grieved that Saul was King.
On the other hand, David was the writer of Psalm 51 asked God not to take his Spirit from him.
“Lord, Please be with me as I live a life that is busy. Help me take the time to realize that only you can make the business in my life full of peace. “

Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me.
Psalms 51


Anonymous said...

Great post, Kristova. Thanks for being honest about life and its craziness.

I got an email one time that described being busy as Being Under Satan's Yoke. It's not the things that make us busy that put us under Satan's yoke, it's when we choose to try to handle that busyness by ourselves. Jesus promised us that His yoke is easy and His burden is light. When our busyness is making us stressed, we are not taking Jesus' yoke upon us by depending on Him. Instead, we are depending on ourselves and in so doing we are taking Satan's yoke upon us.

I pray that this week God will remind you to take the time to give your busy schedule to Him and let Him take control. You are awesome, because He is awesome in you.

(Love the tag name, by the way. :-D)

JasonT said...

First, I want to hale the acronym queen - keep it coming f.r.o.g.g.e.r.
Kristova - Your tag name is a very accurate self-description. The deal with business is so deceptive because, for most of us, our days are not filled with reckless violence and decadence. It's not like we're struggling with giving up maiming our neighbors so that we can find some time with God. Mostly, we are deeply engaged in good things. Work and school and serving with the rest of the church. Completing assignments and encouraging others. The list stretches out to the horizon. It is reminding ourselves that REST COUNTS that is the hard part. We have been cultured to believe that rest is what happens when you don't have an ounce of energy to give to work. But then you see Jesus, sometimes after sleep, sometimes giving up sleep, taking time to rest in God and it is unquestionable that this is the right move. If we can take a breath and spend some time with our Father and then come away from that with the conviction that we just spent valuable time there, we will slowly kill off the nagging feeling that we could be spending our time better someplace else. Love the post, because it hits the bullseye of my life. I write what exists in my conscience mind, I typically live what exists in my "heart". That's why it always needs training.

Anonymous said...

Being busy is another one of those things that can either increase or decrease our dependence on God. When we decide to let Him handle our lives for us, it pays off & we become closer to Him. It helps me to remember that He wants us to cast our cares on Him. He is waiting for us to cry out to Him because He knows as well as you & I do that we can't live our busy lives by ourselves.

You are such a great example & blessing to us all! Thanks for your honesty!

Zack said...

God bless us all to become closer to Him! I am praying for you,your youth group and any others who are doing this experiment to draw closer to Him! God bless it!
I love that name "Kristova" too!
God bless!

Terry Rush said...

Kristova, Kristova, come on ova! Sorta like Red Rover you think?

Proud of your work. Hold on...He is near.

Jenni said...

Good stuff Bobby. I especially liked the pic!