Friday, February 29, 2008

~Silver Lining~

How eye-opening this experiment has been to me! As I do my best to depend on God & communicate with Him, I've realized how little I used to do so. It is amazing how God can take small, simple ideas & give them God-sized results if we simply ask!

This week, I've encountered new trials in depending on God. Sometimes it's so hard yet so easy to depend on God. Things happen in this imperfect world & I wish that they didn't, but when they do, I just want to run into His arms and cry, but at the same time, I want to pull away & ask Him why He lets these things happen. However, it is a comfort to know that He has a plan for everything - a plan to prosper me & not to harm me. In those moments when I want to yet don't want to depend on Him, I've found myself relying on Him more than ever, because He is the One true place I can find comfort.

God has also taught me that He doesn't just want my dependence in the big areas of life, but in the small. I had a day this past week that I thought was going to be a breeze because I was spending most of it alone. Throughout the day, however, I found myself in need of depending on Him to keep my thoughts pleasing to Him. He doesn't just want us to honor Him in our actions, but also in our thoughts. For what is planted in the heart, takes root in the soul, & will show itself through our actions. I want my whole self to be pleasing to & dependent on Him.

Thank you Father, for the way you are showing yourself through this experiment. Thank you that I can find comfort in You & have confidence that your plans are better than my own. Please help me as I do my best to depend on You in every aspect of my life - the big & the small. Thank you for forgiveness & second chances. You are a loving & caring God who has our best interests at heart, & I am truly greatful!

"Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me." Psalm 23:4


Zack said...

Thank you for sharing these thoughts here. I struggle with this too, bringing God the big stuff only, but not the small stuff. God wants us to bring all of our anxieties to Him, both great and small. God bless you and all the others who are doing this experiment. I pray God shows each of you how much He loves you and wants to be known by you everyday.

Jenni said...

So awesome! You can tell how much you are allowing him to change your life when your words, actions, and thoughts reflect his glory. Remember, this world is not your home, it is a battlefield.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for reminding me that He has a plan for me. I always felt He did: down to my very core!
Just because I'm going through so many changes doesn't change that!
Hope to run in to you at the workshop this year!