Amazing! Our God is truly amazing! I had a realization this last Thursday that really blew me away. No, it’s not some new thing that will totally surprise or shock you; actually you have probably heard it before. In fact, I am sure that I have heard it many times before. However, this experiment has changed my perspective in so many ways that I saw this concept in a whole new light.
We have talked a lot about our dependence on God and how we desire to give him all. There has even been discussion about Praying to God to help us depend on Him. Well, something happened Thursday that leads me to believe this is exactly what God wants.
Twice Thursday I was asked to pray for some people. Two totally different situations; one was in a hospital, and the other was in a College class setting. No big deal right? Sure, even to me it doesn’t seem like that big of a deal. I have said 100’s maybe 1,000s of prayers in front of people. Why do these two stick out to me? I don’t know. Perhaps because before each one of these prayers I asked myself what it looked like to be totally dependent while praying for/with these people. All of the sudden I found heaviness on me and nervousness. I felt like it was a huge responsibility to go to God on behalf of these people I was with. So what did I do?
I prayed…
I prayed first (silently and quickly) that God lead my prayer that he help me communicate the right things to him for these people as well as lead them in a communication that would teach and uplift them. How weird! I communicated to God to help me communicate to Him. At first when I thought about it I felt silly. “you prayed for God to Help you pray” I thought “bobby you’re a dork”. While the latter might still be true, why shouldn’t I pray for God to help me pray? I mean honestly we as humans are absolutely dependent on God for any righteousness that comes out of us (Romans 3). Seeing as how the prayer of a righteous man is powerful and affective I want God to be a part of my prayers.
Here’s the thing that really struck me. We are dependent on Him! In absolutely everything. This week I haven’t been able to do anything without seeing that truth. God knows this and I believe He is showing us that not only are we dependent on Him but He gives us the help we need. Romans 8 tells us that God sends His Spirit to us and that He intercedes for us in our prayers with groans that words cannot express. God Himself helps us. We truly are dependent on Him we can’t even communicate to Him without depending on Him to help us do it!
Father we thank you for your unbelievable love; that you so richly bless us by lifting us up and caring for us as we live our lives in sheer dependence.
Thank you for sharing this with us Kristova. That's not weird at all. Who else can we talk to about communicating with God then He Himself. And yes, praying for other people is one of the highest responsibilities and pleasures one can ever have on earth. Thank you for sharing these thoughts. May He help us all to be totally dependent on Him everyday.
Our God is truly amazing! Thank you for being open-minded & for realizing that we need to be dependent on Him in EVERYTHING - even talking to Him! Thanks for being willing to risk being a "dork" in the eyes of the world so that you can be powerful & affective in God's Kingdom. You are a great example!
Wow! God is good. Thanks for being open enough to risk being a dork to share something powerful. and it's true. God has shown it in so many different ways. I think He's trying to get something across. We really can't do anything w/o him. We need him to help us depend on him. It can't be done w/o his help. thanks for being a conductor and reminder of what God tries to relay to us.
thanks for sharing this Bobby. Loved it.
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